
The LF NGDO Network was formed in 2004 to bring together those NGDOs providing support to endemic countries.  Support extends from practical programme activities (mass drug administration, morbidity management, monitoring and evaluation) through to capacity building, administration and some research. The Network gathers at each annual NNN (NTD NGDO Network) meeting to share and discuss their experiences, successes and challenges.  NGDO members are joined at meetings by other GAELF partners including endemic country partners, pharmaceutical donors, WHO, fundraising partners and academia (see below list). For further information contact louise [dot] kelly-hope [at] lstmed [dot] ac [dot] uk

GAELF partners

The core strength of GAELF lies in its ability to bring together various partners in the quest to eliminate lymphatic filariasis. Each partner joins with a mandate and all share a common goal. With more than 80 partners from the public and private sectors, academia, international development organisations and non-governmental organisations the Alliance benefits from a broad and deep experience of health, research, development and philanthropic experience.

Academic and Research Institutions strengthen the scientific basis, test new tools and strategies, provide postgraduate human capacity development, deliver implementation programmes and carry out operational research

Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Partners working to control and eliminate the most debilitating, disfiguring and deadly neglected tropical diseases

Endemic Countries lead GAELF by implementing the strategy, identifying operational research needs and monitoring and evaluating progress.

  • National Ministries of Health of the endemic countries

International Development Agencies and Foundations have pledged funds to support the implementation of national LF elimination programmes and other related LF and NTD activities

International Organizations expertise to support national programmes in preparing national plans, mapping disease distribution, training health personnel both in drug distribution and disability prevention and control activities, social mobilization and monitoring and evaluation

Non-Governmental Development Organisations complement the efforts of the national Ministries of Health in implementing different components of the programmes within their specific competence and scope

Private Sector companies provide supplies and drugs, free or at-cost, for mass drug administration campaigns, promote advocacy, support academia and facilitate programme development