
So how can you help?
More than 1 billion people are threatened by LF. The disease currently infects over 120 million people, leaving more than 40 million incapacitated or disfigured. More than 95% of those at risk live in low-income countries.

LF is considered a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD), because although it threatens over a billion people worldwide, few people are aware of the disease in countries where people are not at risk.

Help us raise awareness about LF by sharing information about hte impact of the disease on the poorest populations worldwide.

Donate today by clicking here. Donations to the Global Alliance goes to the endemic countries to help fund annual mass drug administration, community education and treatment of the symptoms of LF (including limb care for elephantiasis and surgeries for hydrocele). Donations are tax deductible in the United States.